Monday, November 9, 2009

late posting...

hey guys,
sorry not to post til now, super busy as always (hair pulling). anyway, i'm feeling okay about things thus far. seems like at least half of the participants are blogging pretty regularly and the other half at least know that i want them to find some way to record their experience along the way. the major hump to get over now is production, but i feel pretty confident about this aspect so it is just a matter of execution. once i get rolling things ought to move pretty fast.
talk to you soon!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Week Two of Promises...

November 3, 2009

As of this moment there are still four of the promisers that have yet to post on the blog or even reply to the initial questions I sent out in an email. These people are: Adrienne, Sara, Lauren and Cathy. Adrienne (i.e. my mom) doesn't really do well with computers so I can see why she hasn't written back. Sara was a bit of a late joiner and I had her email address wrong in the beginning so I can also understand why she hasn't replied yet. I am curious about the other two... I am getting the feeling that these people may be better off just writing down their answers and experiences on paper and giving them to me at the end. This is fine too because I already know what they are doing and can get started on their respective plates regardless. Either way I need to send them personal emails letting them know how important it is that they record their experiences as they happen least they should forget once the promise duration is up. This type of day to day information is invaluable for the validity of this project. However, I do think I will ask everyone to write a brief reflection about the entire experience as a whole at the culmination of the five weeks. The day to day thoughts may end up being more random and best understood in context, but the end reflection will offer another level of understanding for the promisers, viewers and myself. On another note, I am pleased to see that there have been a lot more blog entries (shelley, nicole, tea, phil and anders) I hope this fire keeps up. nicole is especially engaged as she is challenging the other promisers. this can only help generate conversation as i am sure some of the folks she harps on may want to defend themselves.

November 4, 2009

I made some steps toward the production side of things today. I finally found some new plates to make molds of. These new molds need to be more efficient so the casting will go quicker. my old plate mold is too arduous to deal with. I have also gathered a preliminary list of the icons I will use for each person's plate:

Andrew: basic utensils (fork, spoon, knife)
Tea: roll of paper towels
Cathy: tv/microwave dinner tray
NIcole: copy machine
Shelley: plug
Phil: internal combustion engine
Lauren: disposable coffee cup or ziploc baggie ?
Sara: empty recycle bin with trash can full of bottles ?
Jenny: corncob
Adrienne: clock
Anders: two empty hot dog buns or a moldy piece of food ?

November 6, 2009

Ran into Cathy today. She says she has started to try and carry out her promise but hasn't written anything down. I'm glad to know she is still involved, but I am a bit worried about having enough written information from her. I ran the idea about the reflection at the end to her and she seemed to like this outlet. In any case our conversation didn't really reveal any specific actions on her part. I am wondering how serious she is taking this project and as a result how beneficial her experience will be to the final presentation (maybe it's good if I have an extra participant to make sure that the final ten which are displayed will carry the most impact. everyone wil still get a plate) Also talked to Lauren today. She is sorry not to have replied to my email and assures me she will... I let her know she can just write stuff down as she goes and share it with me at the end. She got one of those fancy dancy reusable coffee cups that looks like a disposable one. She was so excited and made it a point to come share this with me. She also talked about implementing a better recycling system at her apartment. I'm happy about her enthusiasm and glad we are in pretty regular contact with one another so I can learn about what she's doing, but I am a bit worried about written documentation for her as well and about her being able to focus on the one issue she stated from the beginning of not using disposable food containers. Not that I don't want her to be doing all of these mindful things and am not happy to have her tell me about them, I just want more pertinent information about her specific promise.

November 7, 2009

I spent the day with Adrienne (my mom). We talked about her promise of driving slower and she admits to some days of weakness. She is also baffled about any way to record her experience with me over the information super highway of the interweb. (she can play some mean freecell though) Let alone posting on the blog, she can't wrap her head around replying to an email. So, I sat down with her and we at least posted her information and answers to the prompt questions on the blog so everybody could learn about another fellow promiser. She can, however, grasp the whole pen to paper thing and assures me she will begin to write down her thoughts in this manor.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Week one of promises...

October 23, 2009

The promise session has officially begun. I have gotten the initial questionnaire out to everyone and have already heard back from six of the "promisers". I have posted this information on the promise plate blog ( I still need a photo of Galatea though and may just ask her if it is okay if I pull one off of her Facebook page. i am encouraged by quick the responses from these individuals, but am a little disheartened that there are still four others that haven't gotten back to me (they are phil, lauren, adrienne and cathy) I guess on the bright side, though, I am a bit surprised that I was even able to get ten participants for the project in the first place. I also had my last meeting with the canary project class today during which we all presented our projects to the group for feedback. One of the major concerns that we talked about in relation to my project is, as I have already touched upon, the lack of response that I may encounter from the participants. Even those that have responded to my initial questionnaire haven't begun to blog about their experience. I am going to have to be more active in generating the conversation. From physical conversations with a couple of folks it seems as though they are holding out their comments until they have a more put together response. I'd rather there be just a general flow of random thoughts like stream of conscientiousness to the posts. I'm not sure how to encourage this and perhaps I should just let things evolve. Either way I need to send some gentle reminders out to everyone. Ed also suggested in the class presentation that I have everyone do a sort of overall written reflection on the experience at the end. I like this idea and if anything it will give me actual text to include with the plates in the exhibition if i can't generate this from the blog posts. Perhaps the final outcome will be some combination of both the blog posts and the reflection.

October 26, 2009

I talked to Sara Brown today she is someone I had talked to on a previous date that voiced real concern about the way recycling was handled at her apartment. She considered doing a promise plate to help motivate herself to do something about it. Since one of my participants Adrienne (i.e. my mother) isn't keen on the blogging it may be better to have Sarah participate. In any case I can make them both plates and even if it throws my original number off it's creating a proactive experience for the both of them.
I have at least talked to Phil about his experience (he has yet to blog) of trying to eat local food. Turns out you can't get local cold cuts for sandwiches. We talked about other ways to simulate this same experience (i.e. roasting a whole chicken, turkey or ham and cutting slices) It would be pretty challenging for him to do this. Looks like hummus is on the menu... but wait where did those chickpeas come from? I did recently find out about the Local Growers Guild here in Bloomington. I am excited about this organization for my own reasons and thought it would be helpful to point Phil in this direction. They have all kinds of information about local farmers and producers as well as information on businesses that support these resources in the community. the link is (

October 28, 2009

I had what looks to be my first post from a promiser today. I know others have visited the site and filed out a profile, but have yet to post. Shelly wrote about trepidations for the week of trying to cut out electricity when facing a deadline. I know I find it hard to focus on anything but the task at hand in those situations. She wrote more about having to plan for a day where she can afford to take this eight hours to devote to other activities that don't involve the use of a plug yet are still productive. It's going to be hard and a good strategy is essential if it's going to work. In any case, it's encouraging to see her write about it. I'm excited about Nicole and Shelley making a joint promise to both give up electricity for eight hours of one day. They are kind of keeping each other in check (i.e giving each other shit) about sticking to their promise. Nicole also teaches a few of the other promisers so she assures me she'll keep an eye on them as well, hopefully she'll blog about it. I need to get moving on the plate production this week as well. I need to make a new plate mold ASAP and start getting together the imagery and text for the wallpaper iconography and quote so I can get them into photoshop, get transparecy films made, burn screens, to make slip transfers, to put on plates, which i have to cast in the first place, then fire, then glaze, then fire again... anybody want to go get a drink?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

October 10, 2009

List of definite and probable participants with their promise described (if they have decided upon it):

• Andrew: stop use of plastic utensils
• Cathy: undecided maybe eat at least one local home cooked meal during week
• Tea: stop use of paper towels (specifically in the studio)
• Phil: eat as much local food as possible
• Jenny: remove partially hydrogenated oils from diet (eat less processed food)
• Lauren: undecided maybe to recycle more efficiently
• Shelley: undecided
• Nicole: undecided
• Anders: let no food go to waste
• Adrienne: Drive slower to get better gas mileage and save fuel

Other thoughts:

Andrew and Tea were the first people to agree to make promises. I had a relatively quick discussion with them about my idea standing outside of the ceramic studio after a critique. They both identified a wasteful habit with out my needing to discuss their daily routines with them. This reinforces my faith in being able to help people deal with aspects of their live that they may already have issues with, but choose to ignore. I talked to Lauren and Phil the same night and both were very enthusiastic, but not sure what to do. Phil suggested riding his bike faithfully for a month, but didn’t seem confident. Lauren finds problem with the recycling at her apartment, specifically referring to plastic bottles. I sat down with Cathy last night during open studios. She really needed some discussion to generate ideas of how to practically implement a promise. She’s aware that change needs to happen and does what she feels is feasible already. We talk about diet, which is something she has been thinking about and she confesses guilt about eating cheap microwave meals from Kroger (I think they may even be actual “Kroger” brand) I talk to her about strategies for cooking a bunch of vegetables at the beginning of the week (i.e. roasting or blanching) then eating on them throughout the week. I ask her if there is some particular dish she makes regularly, which she could try to make using as much local ingredients as possible. Both of these veins of conversation seem to give her confidence about being able to implement a promise. I also talked to Shelly and Nicole at open studios and both verbally agreed to make a promise but needed time to think about identifying something practical to implement. Nicole feels like she does what she can. Susannah and Ed have also

Things discussed in meeting with Ed and Susannah:

• Mentioned a few people they suspect might be willing to make promises.
• Accept failure of promises
• Design questionnaire so participants discuss environmental implications of their particular promise
• Maybe have a “plate party” at the end: gets participants together and facilitates conversation about the experience (maybe this is when I could present them with their honorary plate)
• Decided text needs to go on front (this changes my original presentation idea to hang them but is necessary now I’m thinking they will be attached to the wall in front of placemats…)
• Concentrate on quality not quantity for Dec. 5 crit date
• Need to include dates of the promise on the plate, suggestive of their commemorative value
• I need to send them mock ups and a sample questionnaire

October 11, 2009

Through a few conversations with Phil he has determined that cutting high fructose corn syrup out of his diet will be the most feasible promise to make. He specifically talks about drinking soda as being a habit he isn’t proud of. He admits that he doesn’t really think about checking to see if corn syrup is in any of the things he eats regularly. We also talk about Chinese food (he usually get sweet and sour chicken). Although your typical cheap Chinese take out is in general pretty unhealthy he can probably find something a bit better if he’s got to go that route. I have also talked to my sister and she voices concern about allowing partially hydrogenated oils in her regular diet. She is already trying to cook more for herself so some extra motivation and attention will be helpful. We talk specifically about not being able to enjoy JIF peanut butter, what a world! I bring up the idea of eating food in a way that allows you to get the most nutrients out of it as possible, fresh peanut butter is a step in that direction.

October 13:

Talked to my mom today about making a promise. She wants to make more of a concerted effort to drive slowly, especially on the highway, which she has to take almost every day to get to work. She already tries to do this, but admits she gets impatient. She usually leaves in plenty of time, though, so there is no reason for her to be in a

October 16:

I ran into Anders at the Fuller opening. He talked about having issues with his diet and wanted to create a promise with this in mind. He feels he eats unhealthily and wants to incorporate better food into his routine. He admitted that his consumer habits are all or nothing when he goes to the grocery. He either concentrates on getting only healthy stuff or he shows no abandon and gets only "junky" stuff. He is also concerned about his budget as a grad student and doesn't know the best way to approach the promise because of this. I tried to be encouraging.

October 19:

I talked to Nicole today in class (I'm taking her 3-d modeling software class) She is still unsure of what to do. She lives far from campus and doesn't feel able to address transportation in this case. I suggested starting a composting system but she doesn't feel her backyard is suitable and is weary of the smell. I also talked about trying to only buy clothes that are made in the states and are from natural fibers. She says she already tries to do this. She's very enthusiastic about participating in the project but is having a hard time conceiving it. I tell her we'll think of something...

October 20:

I finally got the questionnaire emailed out to everyone. here is a copy:
1. What is one an action of environmental implication that you would either like to eradicate from or instill into your daily routine?
2. How does the presence or absence of this particular action create a negative impact on your life as an individual and on the environment as a whole?
3. List several steps you could take to enable your success in addressing this issue.
4. How would fulfillment of this promise create a positive impact on your life as in individual and on the environment as a whole
Create a one-sentence description of the action you will attempt to take over the next five weeks. This will be the promise quoted directly on your plate.

Please email your answers to me ( as soon as you can. You can simply answer the questions in the message or create a document and attach it to the email.

Along with your answers, please attach a favorite image of yourself. This will be posted along with your personal information and promise on the blog site.

These questions are pretty straight forward. I hope they will help everyone conceptualize their approach, but am a little weary of their ability to inspire anyone. I will actively talk to those individuals that still need inspiration to come up with a plan. I feel the conversation is invaluable to this experience. I also saw Anders tonight at the painting critique. He has determined that it will be most feasible to commit to not wasting food. He wants to eat healthier too, but right now on such a tight budget he feels it is more important to make the most of what he can afford. I am happy he has found an area in his own routine that needs addressing.

October 21:

I've started posting on the blog. I'm realizing that this part of the process may be more difficult than I first expected. I'm using a pre-fab template with some trepidation because I want the site to be inviting with different headings for links and an area separate from the everyday conversation where people's profiles are listed. However, I am not very confident in my ability to design the layout. I guess I'll just keep t simple and post everything together profiles and discussion. I do have my project outline stated separately, though, and hope this will make the project clear to visitors to the site who aren't involved in the project. I can always add to the site too and think an area for links to other websites about climate change and the like will be a good addition. I also received my first response to the questionnaire from Anders so was able to post this on the blog. I am encouraged by his prompt reply. Hopefully the others will find it equally easy to respond to the questions. I need to do some work in Photoshop for the presentation on Friday. I want to have a few examples of plate designs worked out.